I managed to snap a picture of this moment, because it is honestly the craziest thing I’ve ever seen and I felt like I needed evidence.

The story:

Every night when I’m up later than I should be, the dog will often decide it’s time for me to go to bed. She’ll stare at me, make this squeaking noise, paw at my leg…literally drive me nuts until I give up and go to bed.

So tonight she comes out and smiles at me, and starts squeaking and I say “No…not yet. I’m watching this game.” Because I’m apparently at a point in my life where I have to defend my actions to my dog.

She immediately disappears behind the TV/entertainment center and I hear all of this noise/commotion. Then I can see the cords pulling behind the TV. I look behind it and she’s pawing at the power strip, and I swear she is trying to unplug the TV.

So this dog has either gotten to a level of determination that is simply unreal (“My human will do what I want RIGHT NOW, dammit”) or she’s just decided that I’ve had enough of the Indians this week and she’s doing it for my mental health. Maybe a combo of the two.

Regardless, these west coast games need to end because stuff gets all kinds of crazy around here after midnight.



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